Top 5 Tips To Reduce Driving Stress – International Yoga Day Special

Traffic in India has become more chaotic than ever before, especially in and around tier-1 cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. This increased chaos also causes a lot of stress for drivers.

This driving stress can cause plenty of health problems in the body and can also have a direct impact on day-to-day routine. However, here are a few very useful tips and yoga techniques to reduce driving stress.


Before embarking on a long car journey, meditating for a few minutes will help you calm down and improve your focus on driving. This calmness can also reduce driver fatigue and tiredness as well.

Breathing Excercise

Breathing exercises have been widely regarded as one of the best techniques to reduce mental stress. This exercise is very useful, especially when you encounter idiots on wheels. The technique involves taking long breaths over one shoulder and repeating the same over the other shoulder.

Shoulder Rotation

Driving involves a lot of shoulder movement due to constant steering inputs. This can cause a lot of stress on the shoulder muscles. To relieve this stress, rotating your shoulder clockwise and anti-clockwise while keeping the hand on the steering wheel will help relax your shoulders and relieve pain.

Stretching Arms

Much like the shoulders, driving for too long can cause a lot of stress and discomfort in the arms. The best thing to do in such a situation is to park the vehicle safely and relax your arms for a few minutes.

Once this is done, some stretching of the arms to the opposite sides and locking it will help improve blood flow and relieve discomfort in the arms. Furthermore, this exercise also helps relax the entire upper body.

Stretching Exercise

Since long journeys can usually cause a lot of fatigue in your body, it is very good to do some proper stretching exercises to improve blood flow all over the body. This not only relaxes the entire body but it can also relieve some body pain as well.

Thought About Driving Stress

Driving stress is a very less spoken topic among the general public and car enthusiasts. However, it is a very serious issue and it can have an immediate impact on short-term behaviours and long-term impact on health.

That being said, we expect the above-listed tips and techniques to reduce driving stress up to a considerable extent. Also, we urge all DriveSpark readers to drive carefully and respectfully.

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Article Published On: Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 8:30 [IST]
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