Tips To Protect Your Car From Hail Storm – Monsoon Car Care

The formation of hail is higher during thunderstorms. However, unlike rain, hail storms can cause hefty damage to vehicles. This is because hail consists of irregular lumps of ice and they can cause some hefty damage to the property.

Furthermore, in recent years, there have been increasing reports of hail storms in the country and numerous people have reported damage. As such, here are a few tips to protect your car from hail storms.

Covered Car Parking

The best way to protect your car during a hail storm is to park your car in a covered car parking area. This will ensure maximum protection against hail stones during a hail storm. Furthermore, covered parking also protects the car against other external damages during a storm.

Use Rubber Mats To Protect Windows

Car windows can easily crack and break during a hail storm. If you are unable to find any covered parking on time, you can protect your car's windows by placing rubber mats over them. While they do not offer full protection against hail stones, they do adequately provide some protection.

Cardboard Box Method

If you have more time to protect your car against a hail storm, you can even cover your car with cardboard. This helps protect the car from hail storms by absorbing the impact of the hail stones. Furthermore, this method is very effective even though it may look simple.

Fold Side Mirrors

Many modern cars come with a few sensors mounted in the side mirrors. This makes side mirrors of modern cars very expensive. As such, it is best to fold down side-view mirrors during a hail storm.

Hail Car Cover

Hail car covers are now available in the market. These car covers provide decent protection against hail stones and other debris during a hail storm. That being said, these car covers can be on the expensive side.

Thoughts About Hail Storm Car Care

As mentioned, hail storms can create plenty of damage to a car. However, following the above tips will not only help limit damage to your car from a hail storm but it will also save plenty of money as well.

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Article Published On: Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 14:58 [IST]
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