Here’s How You Can Check Car’s Health From Exhaust Smoke – Car Care Tips

Though a car might be complex machinery, taking care of the car is a relatively simple and straightforward task. However, what is difficult is understanding the problem, this understanding of a problem is what differentiates a good and a mediocre mechanic.

That being said, a little understanding of the common signs can also help a commoner understand issues in a car. As such, here's how you can determine the health of your car by identifying the smell and colour of your car's smoke.

Blue Smoke

If your car is seen emitting blue-coloured smoke, it usually indicates the burning of oil in the combustion chamber of the car. This could mean worn-out piston rings, faulty valve seals or even a malfunctioning positive crankcase ventilation system.

White Smoke

The emission of white smoke is a more common issue in cars, and it indicates the presence of water or coolant in the combustion chamber. This issue could relate to a cracked cylinder head, blown gasket or a damaged intake manifold.

Black Smoke

The emission of black smoke is another common issue in cars. This problem is caused due to rich fuel-air mixture. Usually, this problem is the result of a malfunctioning oxygen sensor but it could also arise due to a faulty injector or clogged air filter.

Unusual Smell

One could also check the health of a car by identifying the smell of exhaust smoke. In fact, a burning smell usually indicates oil entering the combustion chamber and a rotten smell indicates issues with the catalytic converter.

Reduced Exhaust Pressure

Sometimes the exhaust pressure of the car could be low and it is a matter of concern. This is because the reduced exhaust pressure could be an indicator of an obstructed exhaust system and this could lead to multiple problems in the engine.

Thoughts About Car Maintenance

A car's exhaust smoke is a great indicator of your car's health. Understanding the exhaust smoke will give a better understanding of the issue and this understanding of the issue will help rectify the issue more efficiently.

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Article Published On: Saturday, June 24, 2023, 16:29 [IST]
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